Friday, July 25, 2014

One is the Loneliest Number

What do I have so say today…. Well for starters I AM SO DAMB BORED! Why after you hit a certain age is it no longer ok for you to have friends over to hang out? Just you two chillin… why do your kids have to get along. Or have kids the same age. Why is it weird that now at 25 with 3 kids I call someone up and am like “yo im bored come over” do I get hung up on! Well ok ok I know why it’s that whole living on someone else’s time schedule thing…. You know like nap time and hungry time and heaven forbid we leave the house because we are potty training or their favorite show is on in like 5 min so by the time we find everyone’s shoes get all these freaking buckles done up for their car seats drive over unbuckle fall out and get in the show would be almost over… plus it’s a kids show you know what that means… no freaking commercials. Well I guess that depends on what station your watching but don’t even get me started on that right now because I could go on for days! Anyways they wake up I have to hold their hand through every single daily task starting with breakfast all the way through making their beds and saying their prayers and by the end I have said “keep picking up the blocks” 77 times before they rush out the door to play… and then what am I supposed to do? Read another book…. I currently have two that are so slow I’m dragging my feet just trying to trudge through to the end… like really when is something exciting going to happen! Clean again… please I do that all day every day! Watch some daytime tv garbage? No thank you desperate house wife! How about sew or paint or knit or scrapbook? Well 1. When was the last time you took 3 kids into a craft store and came out unscathed? Last time I almost had to buy the whole freaking bead isle when one of mine thought it would be a great idea to climb on up to try and reach the bead hanging on the very top because it was “just so awesome mommy needed it” 2. Aint nobody got money for that shit! All my money goes to buying new shoes for these growing brats or even more then that food! Good gravy they eat this much now what’s gonna happen when they hit puberty! Heaven help me!! Let’s see what else could I do … oh I know get on facebook …. Again…. But sadly I have already seen you take a selfie in that bathroom before and yes you look exactly the same as when you had your hair pulled to the other side.. and no I don’t want to play candy crush so stop freaking asking me! I could get online and do some genealogy but apparently no one in my family exist! How about some service indexing? Well if my computer would actually allow me to open the webpage maybe I could spend some time doing that….. ah! Typing this is even a challenge because my beautiful angels have pulled of three keyboard buttons . one for each of them I guess…so my f g and b are all gone… why couldn’t it have been a shift or something!! I can’t leave the house the baby is asleep and everywhere cost money except the park where I get to watch my children have fun. They have their own friends… they live next-door…. And down the street….. and in the same house!!!! I however am bored out of my mind with limited options except to piss and moan! The end!

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