Sunday, April 12, 2015

Not all pregnancies are created equally


Left- 17weeks pregnancy #3 
Right- 17weeks pregnancy #4 

Well it is true... not all pregnancies are created equally, and the fact of this is very hard to swallow. See pregnancies #1-3 were basically the same... Deathly ill for at least 5 months resulting in me losing between 12-15 lbs! I started calling it my pregnancy diet and though it was miserable beyond belief I ended up with a skinny little body after I popped that baby out. well pregnancy # 4 comes along and is nothing like the others. I was extremely sick like the first three but not for as long. I didn't loose as much weight and now I am still sick but only feel better when Im eating.... result.... Im eating all the time and its starting to show! I mean look at my tiny legs in that first picture. All of me was so much smaller then! Now my 4th time around I think I know what its gonna be like.. old hat and all. NOPE! I am already at the weight I was when I delivered every one of my other children. I feel huge and uncomfortable, my feet and fingers are starting to swell, Im still nauseous all the time and throw up most mornings (I mean come on if its gonna be so different and im going to have to gain all this weight then I should at least be exempt from the nausea right!?!) this is probably going to be the longest most uncomfortable summer of my life.

You know what it really comes down to...... insecurities! I'm not perfect and I will admit (though im not proud of it) that I have seen women that I know who have gained a lot during pregnancy and thought "wow she got big" or "pregnancy was not kind to her" and then saw those women suffer afterward and I felt bad for them not being able to loose the baby weight. I knew it must be a hard situation for them. I at just 2 weeks after giving birth was back in my old clothes and sometimes they were too big. Now in the same situation I realize 1) we, as women, judge other women much too harshly when we should be their supporters 2) we judge ourselves worst of all.

On it states
It’s the highest, holiest service assumed by humankind. It’s the definition of selfless service. It’s both a daunting responsibility and a glorious opportunity. The divine role of motherhood is a gift from God, and key to His plan of happiness for all His children.

Such a beautiful statement.

In The Family: A Proclamation to the world we read that "the first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force".

We are women! We have been called, chosen, and foreordained to be the co-creators of human life. After conception we, with the Lord God, create bodies for his spirit children to come to earth, be tested and return to him someday. We are the vessel the lord uses to bring to pass the entire plan of salvation. Without our bodies, our sacrifice his plan could never have come to be. That is the very choice that Eve made in Eden. She knew that this was the way, this was the only way, and through us it is made possible.

Now with that in mind, do I still care how fat I am getting? of course I am human however I am a Warrior! We mothers are ALL Warriors. We put our bodies through hell and sometimes irreversible changes are made. But in the end, we get the most miraculous of gifts and can say we did our job as co-creators in the plan we all chose when we chose to come to earth. 


  1. Oh my goodness Kasie! You inherited your mothers gift of words. I love what you have written, and all mothers will be inspired by them. Even us old moms! We never ever stop being mothers, and we never stop judging ourselves, but this is a great reminder that we did something good and right! Love you

    1. oh I needed to hear this! thank you auntie! I love you !
