Thursday, July 23, 2009

this is so rough!!

baby boy is all over the place starting to crawl and it is so cute... he just army crawls his way to your feet and head butts you in the leg and paws at your toes till you pick him up. silly baby...his first tooth is starting to pop through. i think im gunna cry! hes just growing so fast. im having such a hard time with this cranky baby that doesnt want to sleep though! he still doesnt know how to fall asleep on his own and i dont have the heart to just let him lay there and scream! i dont know what to do im gunna scream myself! my poor little baby! and poor me !

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

all i wanted was a little peace and a pedi

oh my goodness.... what a baby!! lol my birthday was friday... and it sucked.. my husband really crashed and burned... didnt make me breakfast or lunch or dinner... didn't make me a card or a cake or even sing me happy birthday... nothing to show me im special... nothing!! anyways a girl friend ... knowing i was in the dumps of my mans lack of understanding decided to take me out to lunch and a pedicure and man was i excited... my feet need some serious attention since i walk around all day with a baby on my hip lol... anywas i thought i should get a sitter or as the hicks here in cedar like to call it some one to "tend" him!! idk why im still not likin that one... anyways my friend was really excited for the chance to see him cuz he is the most adorable baby to ever be born... anyways i brought him along and he was the biggest monster in the whole world. he has honestly never been so difficult.. ever!! i know it was probably cuz it was hot and he was tired.. but man was it hard to enjoy that pedi... all i kept thinking about was just getting up and walking out right in the middle of it.. he didnt want to be held and he didnt want to be put down and he was so tired and kept getting mad when he'd blink and his eyes would linger shut for a little while.!!. ahh babies! to say the least i was thrilled when my girlfriend was finished before me and took him to walk around the salon while i tried to lay back and not be embarrassed and just enjoy what was left of my ..... me time....

love him with all my heart and soul
just thought you should know

Friday, July 3, 2009

judgement free yes drug free optional!!

i felt i needed an outlet of sorts... a place to express myself, without feeling i need hold back on the bad the intense or the down right ugly of being a mother.... let me start by saying i am head over heals in love and i wouldnt change being a mommy to this precious little angel... what a blessing he is in my life. Now that being said.... im sure all you moms out there can relate that sometimes motherhood isnt joyous or glamorous or anything like what they said it would be... why doesnt anyone talk about some of this stuff. oh ya i know cuz if you really really knew what you were getting yourself into you might not go through with it.. and you know what they say; misery loves company!! plus all OUR moms keep the dirty little secrets under wraps so we can have children of our own to make us loose our hair just like we did to them... like i said i love being a mom lets not make the mistake that i hate this gig.. its really the best thing i could have ever done.. but this is MY way to express the crazy day to day of a real stay at home mom not the ones who act on tv... Judgement free .... drug free (optional)