Friday, July 3, 2009

judgement free yes drug free optional!!

i felt i needed an outlet of sorts... a place to express myself, without feeling i need hold back on the bad the intense or the down right ugly of being a mother.... let me start by saying i am head over heals in love and i wouldnt change being a mommy to this precious little angel... what a blessing he is in my life. Now that being said.... im sure all you moms out there can relate that sometimes motherhood isnt joyous or glamorous or anything like what they said it would be... why doesnt anyone talk about some of this stuff. oh ya i know cuz if you really really knew what you were getting yourself into you might not go through with it.. and you know what they say; misery loves company!! plus all OUR moms keep the dirty little secrets under wraps so we can have children of our own to make us loose our hair just like we did to them... like i said i love being a mom lets not make the mistake that i hate this gig.. its really the best thing i could have ever done.. but this is MY way to express the crazy day to day of a real stay at home mom not the ones who act on tv... Judgement free .... drug free (optional)

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