Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i honestly cant do this anymore

as i am writing yes i am a little emotional so forgive me! idk what i want to do more... cry, scream, or sleep. 5 times He woke up 5 times last night! and this is one of many nights like this this last week. idk what his problem is or when it started or why it started or what i did wrong or what i am now doing wrong or how i can fix it. i just cant live like this do you have any idea how tired i am. i dont have the heart to just let him cry it out but i'm loosing the strength to keep my patience with him... esspecially when i cant even keep my eyes open. all he wants to do is sleep with mommy and daddy which i dont get cuz never in his life have we just let him sleep in our bed. and he just wants to nurse and go back to sleep. i try all day long to stuff his tummy with milk and cereal and baby food and hes just not interested all that often and now hes acting like if he doesnt wake up to eat every two hours hes gunna die of starvation! i am so tired. i have been reading this book on ways to train your baby sleeping without just letting them cry... the problem is that it takes a lot of the one thing i never had to begin with ... patience .... and time!! and when your so tired your about to pass out its hard to try over and over and over and over again at getting your baby tired but not asleep and then putting him in his bed and leaning over to let him know your still there and pat him untill hes all the way asleep! its rediculous...... after the 15 time of that all i wanna do is put him in a sound proof box and go back to sleep!! i dont know what to do anymore.................. why does no one know how to tell you just how hard it is to be the mommy. this is so hard! i just need a nap

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