Thursday, March 18, 2010

totlock country block


One property crime happens every 3 seconds
One vehicle theft every 20 seconds
One larceny every 4 seconds
One burglary every 10 seconds
One robbery every 60 seconds, or 1 minute

and 500000 people enter and live in our country illegally every year.

and who can forget that the CIA let a couple into a party for the president of the united states(OH BAMMA..... BOO) that weren't even on the list.

and yet when i tried to open my recently bought kit kat bar this afternoon that thing was sealed up tighter then fort knocks!! really it had been a long day and i felt compelled to reward myself with a little prize for making it through without hiding in a locked dark room in the fetal position rocking back and forth and cooing like a coo coo bird to myself..... you know one of those.... i'm just going to pretend to myself that you all agree that you have had just such days of your own. anyways continuing on it took three tries and a good 45 sec to open the plastic wrapper and in that time i yelled a few profanities.... i know i have a really hard time not saying freakin ackurshnay (only a choice few ppl will see the humor in that) when im really about to explode. anyways after the wonderful chocolate had been consumed and i had chilled out i had a wonderful though... you know like those new windows commercials where they suddenly turn into supper hot models.. anyways i had a moment like that and it hit me. i have a hard time getting into everything that is seemingly easy like Medicaid bottles and kit kat wrappers and so on and so on.... especially tot locks ... im thinking the solution is tot lock the the nations borders.... think about it huh!! i know you be understanding my crack a lackin language!

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