Thursday, January 20, 2011

get it out!!

BOOOHOOO HOOO HOO!! well i still have 3 weeks left and its not like im over due or anything but this child is nesting right under my ribs and using my lungs as a pillow!! how can i breath you ask... well i dont! i cant! laying down just makes it worse because gravity is no longer pullin him down so he just tucks right in for the night! i am in so much pain and discomfort! i cant stand it! my hips hurt so bad... like they're widening for the baby but at the doctor today... not dilated at all!! blah! i cant stand it! i really really want this baby out! hes nothing like korlen was. korlen never went near any of my body parts like my bones or lungs but mayter loves to kick my ribs and hip bones korlen didnt move that much but mayter does!! man i cant stand it! oh well three weeks right!!

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